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A balance sheet is a quick picture of the financial condition of a business at a specific period in time. The activities of a business fall into two separate groups that are reported by an accountant. They are profit-making activities, which includes sales and expenses. This can also be referred to as operating activities. There are also financing and investing activities that include securing money from debt and equity sources of capital, returning capital to these sources, making distributions from profit to the owners, making investments in assets and eventually disposing of the assets.

Profit making activities are reported in the income statement; financing and investing activities are found in the statement of cash flows. In other words, two different financial statements are prepared for the two different types of transactions. The statement of cash flows also reports the cash increase or decrease from profit during the year as opposed to the amount of profit that is reported in the income statement. 

The balance sheet is different from the income and cash flow statements which report, as it says, income of cash and outgoing cash. The balance sheet represents the balances, or amounts, or a company's assets, liabilities and owners' equity at an instant in time. The word balance has different meanings at different times. As it's used in the term balance sheet, it refers to the balance of the two opposite sides of a business, total assets on one side and total liabilities on the other. However, the balance of an account, such as the asset, liability, revenue and expense accounts, refers to the amount in the account after recording increases and decreases in the account, just like the balance in your checking account. Accountants can prepare a balance sheet any time that a manager requests it. But they're generally prepared at the end of each month, quarter and year. It's always prepared at the close of business on the last day of the profit period.


A company's database is the heart and soul of client information. Databases store valuable information such as contacts, sales and income, financial statements and organizational plans for management, and to lose their database means a business can no longer function. Optimal care and maintenance of databases are becoming more and more important, as old accounts bog up space or the difficulty in retrieving information slows down productivity. Not only that, security in admini...

dba degree program, database administration and design program,

Article Body:
A company's database is the heart and soul of client information. Databases store valuable information such as contacts, sales and income, financial statements and organizational plans for management, and to lose their database means a business can no longer function. Optimal care and maintenance of databases are becoming more and more important, as old accounts bog up space or the difficulty in retrieving information slows down productivity. Not only that, security in administration is a must in our high tech world, constantly under onslaught from viruses, hacker attacks and other subversive tactics meant to steal data and destroy competition. Proper care and effective management in handling databases and their administration is vital to any successful business that relies on computer technology to function, and a DBA degree program will help you acquire the necessary skills to become an integral part of an administrative team.

A DBA degree program involves learning the skills and getting solid training to be able to design, create and implement databases for important corporations and businesses. Knowing how to administer databases is also part of the practical, hands on training you'll acquire at educational facilities competent with information technology. Some institutions will include networking knowledge in the program so that you can effectively administer databases to their maximum potential. Learning the basics of networking and its application to database administration will help you become a valuable asset for multi-million dollar corporations or international businesses. Furthermore, a DBA degree will provide you with the analytical ability to troubleshoot and improve upon existing databases or design new ones that serve companies more effectively.

Security is a large part of working with databases and no company wants to discover that its database no longer functions, wiped clean thanks to an insidious virus. The popularity and ease of use of large capacity USB drives combined with curious human nature has made them a huge tool of those who would sabotage a company's functioning and databases are perfect places to strike. Learning how to protect against such threats and knowing effective backup and replication procedures to further safeguard a company's vital information is part of being a high quality database administrator. Only training will provide you with the abilities you need to meet today's standards of safety and archiving and a DBA degree program offers that know how.

Career opportunities are widespread for those who have the backup of accreditation and degrees. The investment of time and money in going after the training you need to become a valuable asset to any company is well worth the pay off, as businesses will offer strong employment packages to those who will help them protect their important information. What's more, a proper DBA degree program from a recognized educational facility will probably have employers come looking for you, rather than you having to pound the pavement with lesser skills. Colleges and universities also usually have career placement services available, with a bank of businesses looking for skilled people. The prospects of a strong, stable professional career are very good and the job market will open up to you, thanks to your newly acquired knowledge.

Finding a good, reputable educational facility to provide you with your DBA degree program is easy, as schools have developed websites with pertinent information for what you need. What's more, many schools offer different forms of financial aid or will help you locate sources to fund your education. Searching the internet turns up plenty of facilities with programs geared specifically to the information technology industry and you'll easily find a college or university that will give you the high quality education you need to be a contender in the database administration field.

One of the most common objectives of market research is to find the customers wants and wishes, or their hot buttons. But what if traditional market research identifies the wrong hot buttons? What if conventional market research singles out hot buttons that freeze your fingers? What if standard market research uses malfunctioning thermometers? A recent study by Professors Dan Horsky, Paul Nelson, and Steven S. Posavac published in the Journal of Consumer Psychology examined this possibility.

Focus Group,Inverview,Survey,Qualitative Research,Qualitative Analysis,Investment Analysis,Open-ended questions, decision making, how to negotiate, conversation analysis, negotiations, text analysis

Article Body:
A scientific study (Horsky D., Nelson P., Posavac SS. Stating Preference for the Ethereal but Choosing the Concrete: How the Tangibility of Attributes Affects Attribute Weighting in Value Elicitation and Choice. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2004, Vol. 14, No. 1&2, Pages 132-140) compared the attractiveness of five sporty car attributes calculated using answers provided in a market research study (what people say), and the attractiveness of the same five attributes derived from the actual buying behavior of the car buyers (what people do). The five attributes were Performance, Dependability, Comfort, Prestige, and Exterior Styling.

The relative attractiveness of the performance, dependability, comfort, prestige, and exterior styling attributes calculated using the answers in the market research study were 0.13, 0.22, 0.13, 0.16, and 0.20. The relative attractiveness of the same five attributes calculated using the real behavior in the marketplace were 0.24, 0.21, 0.13, 0.00, and 0.19 (note the change in values marked with bold letters).

According to the authors: “a rather dramatic change in the ordering of the average weights occurs ... Specifically, the tangible attribute Performance, previously one of the least important attributes on average, is now the most important to sporty sedan buyers. … In contrast, the weight of Prestige, an intangible attribute, falls dramatically and becomes the least important attribute. The remaining attributes change little.”

This “dramatic change” has dramatic implications. “The implication of our findings is that stated preferences may not be highly predictive of actual consumer decisions because the relative importance of attributes differs in value elicitation and choice. This finding is troubling because of the reliance of marketing practitioners on research data pertaining to attitudes, purchase intentions, and attribute importance rankings. If predictions based on stated preferences are markedly different from reality, marketers’ decisions (e.g., product positioning, advertising emphasis) made based on the stated preference data may be suboptimal.” In other words, “forecasts of choice based on stated attribute importances would have been erroneous.”

So, can you believe what people say about their wants and wishes? Yes, if you have the formula that converts what people say into what people do. If, you are not using this formula, be prepared to face some unpleasant surprises when implementing the raw customers’ suggestions.

Do you enjoy watching videos on YouTube? Even if you have never visited YouTube before, you are urged to do so, as you will likely find it fun, exciting, and entertaining. YouTube is a video sharing website which allows internet users, just like you, to upload and share videos that they have made. Perhaps, the greatest thing about YouTube is that it is free.

When visiting the YouTube website to watch videos, you can do so without having to create a YouTube account. Despite not being required to create a YouTube account, you may want to look into doing so, as there are a number of benefits to being a YouTube member. Just a few of those benefits are outlined below.

One of the many benefits to registering for a free YouTube account is that it is relatively easy to do. When you signup for a free YouTube account, you need to provide a little bit of information about yourself. This information includes your name, the country that you live in, your zip code, your date of birth, as well as your gender. You will also need to create a YouTube user name for yourself, as well as a password. Your password and user name will be used to log into your account. Signing up for a YouTube account should take only a few minutes of your time, at the most.

Once you have created a free YouTube account for yourself, you can then begin to enjoy the many other benefits of having a YouTube account. One of those benefits is the ability to rate videos that you watch, as well as leave comments. As it was previously mentioned, you can watch videos on YouTube without having a YouTube account, but you cannot rate videos or leave comments for the video owner. Rating YouTube videos gives other YouTube users an idea as to which videos are high in demand, which, in turn, can lead to more of your favorite videos being found on the YouTube site. That is just one of the many reasons why you should not only signup for a free YouTube account, but also rate YouTube that you watch or leave comments.

In addition to being able to rate or review videos, registering for a free YouTube account also gives you the option of sharing your videos with other internet users. Non-registered YouTube members are unable to upload and share any videos that they may have made. If you have never shared videos online, you may want to think about doing so, as they are fun to make. Many of the videos currently found on YouTube are comedy skits, video blogs, and candid videos. All you really need to have is a video recording device, such as a cell phone, webcam, or camcorder, and a movie editing software program, which now comes standard on most computers.

As it was previously stated, creating a membership account with YouTube is free and it should only take a few minutes of your time. If you enjoy using the internet as a source of entertainment, you will not only want to visit YouTube, but you will also want to take the few minutes needed to register for a free account. In the end, you will likely be pleased with your decision to do so.

Many people consider that fish are only a medium of survival, or to some extent a food supply; yet there is another angle that is little known. The manufacturing industry utilizes more than two billion pounds of fish and fish by-products every year. This is slightly more than is used for food.

What most people do not know is that fishing continues to provide recreational activity of making it one of the most preferred hobbies.

In fact, fishing as a hobby is continuously growing and that is why the estimated number of people who acquire fishing licenses each year is more than 12 million.

Moreover, surveys show that for every dollar spent for a fishing license, there are sixteen dollars spent for equipment, such as fishing tackle, food, clothing, and transportation. There is more money spent on fishing than on any other hobby in existence.
Why is it a Great Hobby?

It is a means of providing something to free the mind and body of the worries of the day. It has also been proven to help in mentoring troubled teens, replacing negative thoughts and activity with more positive traits and pursuits. Fishing is truly a wholesome sport.

The use of all types of fishing equipment has added something that no other feature could possibly accomplish. Thousands of youngsters are enthusiastic to learn how to cast a fly or plug bait.

These youngsters have an interest in fish and fishing and they desire to fish in a lawful and recreational manner.
Boiled down, fish and fishing may be considered one of man’s essential resources. It is hoped that further realization of fishing as a hobby will develop the necessary knowledge of the true recreational value of fishing, the fish, and the general conservation of all natural resources as well as the value of good sportsmanship and developing good citizens.

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